Jamie McDorwuff is very proud of his fine beach with its collection of beautiful stones.  His pride turns to greed and he becomes obsessed by the thought of owning the very best beach in the even farthest north.  Suspicious of the other McDorwuffs, Jamie builds a fence around his beach.   The worried McDorwuffs ask God to give Jamie a stern talking to.  But that is not God’s way….
When Jamie hears about the best stone in the world he determines to own it.  After a long search he finds it and takes it home.  But his beach is no longer perfect – protected by its fence, none of the McDorwuffs could tend it in Jamie’s absence.   Jamie blames the best stone in the world for his troubles.  But when he tries to throw it into the deepest part of the loch, God stops him and tells him he has no-one to blame but himself.
A sadder and wiser Jamie rows back to shore to find the McDorwuffs waiting to help him clean his beach and welcome him home.

And God smiled as he set the most beautiful stone in the world back in the place where Jamie had found it.  It had served its purpose.  And that was God’s way.

The McDorwuffs are a clan of small, stout Scottish people whose home is around the shores of Loch Laxford in Sutherland.  They are rockherds, looking after the rocks and hills of the even farthest north.
The McDorwuffs have a special relationship with God, trekking up to the top of the mountain called Foinaven to talk about their problems and ask God’s advice.  But if they don’t like the advice they’re given then generally ignore it!
These eight often funny stories in the series try to show something of the way in which God’s love works in the world.  Some of the stories are loosely based on the parables of Jesus.  They tackle themes such as greed, selfishness, pride, making difficult choices and how we treat others.  The stories will appeal to all ages and especially to children aged from 5 to 9.
Books are available from myself
The stories have been turned into an 8 x 15 minute television series, available on DVD Please contact me

Avril Rowlands