Tales from the arkMr Noah could not sleep. He lay in bed, listening to the wind howling round outside, and the snuffles and grunts of the animals inside and he talked to God.

‘Listen, God,’ he said. ‘It’s not too late. You need a lion-tamer for this job, or a big game hunter, or at least a zoo keeper. I’m very grateful of course that you want to save me and my family, but honestly, I’m not cut out for the job. And I’ll tell you something, God,’ Mr Noah went on. I’m scared of spiders and we’ve got two on board.’

Spiders aren’t Mr Noah’s only problem. The lion wants to be in charge, the sheep goes missing and the animals threaten to revolt because of the smell from the skunks. Worst of all, the ark begins to leak.

The fourteen original and often hilarious stories in this book tell what might have happened on board.

This highly successful book has, together with its two subsequent books, More Tales from the Ark and Rainbow’s End, been re-published by LionHudson into an omnibus edition, All the Tales from the Ark, available from bookshops and from www.lionhudson.co.uk

Avril Rowlands