Tales from the Ark – the musical is based on three extremely successful childrens’ books of mine which have been published in more than fifteen languages. It tells the story of how Noah and his family, together with two of every animal, insect and bird, survived on the ark for forty days and nights when God flooded the world.

Trying to stop the animals from eating each other was just one of Noah’s problems! The ark starts to leak – due to the woodpeckers doing what woodpeckers do! The donkey is sad when he sees a fabulously-striped zebra; the frog is also sad because he’s lost his partner. Mrs Noah’s cat, Tiddles, thinks she is in charge, but the lion knows he is in charge, and if that’s not enough, the ark contains two fleas!

Penny Weedon a talented musician and composer, has written the score, and the music contains a wonderfully-varied selection of tunes, including haunting ballads, as well as catchy, up-beat numbers which will leave the audience whistling and humming as they leave the theatre. Penny’s music complements my lyrics perfectly and the two combine to create a funny, zany entertainment for all the family to enjoy while still preserving the more serious ethical side of the story of Noah and his ark.

A schools version of Tales from the Ark – the musical was premiered on the 16th April at the Henrician Theatre, Evesham. It was performed by the children of the Bengeworth Academy and was a huge success. My grateful thanks to the staff and the pupils who took part for all their work and professionalism. Chris and I filmed it and there will be a DVD when it is edited.